As a full-service developer of wind and solar energy investments, we offer our services at all stages of projects from site prospecting, feasibility studies to the ‘ready to build’ stage.



Site selection and assessment

Preliminary financial modelling

Wind/solar potential analysis

Topographical and geotechnical surveys


Permitting management

Grid access evaluation

Basic civil and electrical engineering

Selection of EPC contractors

Preliminary park design

Environmental impact assessment

Due-diligence support

Land securing

Grid connection


Site selection and assessment

A combination of good field knowledge and extensive G.I.S. expertise, gives us the possibility to select and assess potential sites, based on complex criteria: expected energy potential, topography, access to power grid, road access, land use, proximity to sensitive elements such as settlements, natural protected areas, birds flying corridors, GSM and radar vicinities, natural hazards areas (floods, land-slides, etc.) and many others.

Wind/solar potential analysis

In coordination with reputable expert partners, we run a measurements campaign and long-term data analysis, correction and correlation on wind regime / solar radiation, through standard certified procedures so that the outcome is always a bankable new investment.

Grid access evaluation

While a good energy potential is the basic premise for a successful green energy investment, the local electric grid is usually the main limitation factor; therefore, a grid connection solution study is produced in the early stages of the project, indicating the connection point, transformer capacity and connection route overall parameters.

Preliminary park design

An iteration process will gradually create the optimum layout for a wind / solar park, with a special focus on wake/shadow losses and balance of plant cost efficiency; throughout this stage, the target capacity (given by the grid limitations) will be matched in an optimum configuration with the available land, reducing construction/installation costs and maximizing operation efficiency.

Land securing

A mix of purchase and long-term lease contracts is used to secure the required land, while looking for the most well-located plots and the most reliable owners; oftentimes, this process involves an extensive work on the cadaster maps updates and the landowners support during legal documents completion and registration.

Preliminary financial modelling

Before engaging in the more costly stages of the development, we will build a project’s preliminary feasibility analysis and financial model, which is often leading to further adjustments in terms of chosen technology and park layout.

Topographical and geotechnical surveys

Developed by our local specialized partners using the best existent equipment and methods. The results will be integrated into the later engineering stages.

Basic civil and electrical engineering

In partnership with experienced local engineering teams, we coordinate the setup of the basic electrical design, the roads and foundations design as well as any adjacent infrastructure required by each project (such as floods protection, safety fences or landscape integration). The result is a set of technical documents and blueprints, used for the obtaining of the Building Permit and also, for the gathering and calculation of construction/equipments/EPC offers.  

Environmental impact assessment

Carefully selected from start, each site will be given a thorough environmental assessment, integrating park layout with data on wildlife and natural and human habitats, so that the result is a safe and green project

Grid connection

The power-grid connecting procedures will be followed in a close-relation with the technical office of the local grid-operator (DSO or TSO) and in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations; the mathematical modelling inside the park and the grid connection solution study are used to obtain a Technical Connection Permit and eventually, to sign the Grid Connection Agreement.


Permitting management

By far the longest and most complex stage of the project development, the permitting process is carefully planned and prepared from inception, and implemented through good coordination of all legal and technical procedures, pro-actively reducing time delays and non-compliance risks.

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Industry standards and legal requirements are integrated in all required studies and documentations and we stay in active communication with the issuing authorities. While each project is unique, there are a series of permits appliable to most of them: land planning certificate, urbanism zoning plans, permits ensuring the safe proximity to power lines, gas pipes, telecommunication network, aviation and military sites, archeological sites, etc., environmental permit, public safety permit, fire safety permit, soil quality certification and turning into construction land procedure, and others. The Building Permit (issued by the local or county authorities) and the Energy Producer Establishment Authorization (issued by the National Agency for Energy Regulation) are the end-side steps of a several-months process.

Selection of EPC contractors

We are supporting the investor during the evaluation and selection of suppliers for turn-key delivery or partial provision of works, equipments and materials for plant’s construction / installation. Aimed to obtain most competitive prices, this process is also oftentimes adding further technical adjustments based on solutions recommendations made by tenderers.

Due-diligence support

We support our partners during due-diligence process and negotiations with equity investors and lending banks; a comprehensive online data-room is setup and maintained throughout the project duration, but custom-tailored at the end to meet each party’s expectations.


Site selection and assessment

Grid access evaluation

Land securing

Wind/solar potential analysis

Preliminary park design

Preliminary financial modelling

Topographical and geotechnical surveys

Environmental impact assessment


Permitting management

Due-diligence support

Basic civil and electrical engineering

Grid connection

Selection of EPC contractors


Site selection and assessment

Wind/solar potential analysis

Grid access evaluation

Preliminary park design

Land securing

Preliminary financial modelling

Topographical and geotechnical surveys

Basic civil and electrical engineering

Environmental impact assessment

Grid connection


Permitting management

Selection of EPC contractors

Due-diligence support


Site selection and assessment

A combination of good field knowledge and extensive G.I.S. expertise, gives us the possibility to select and assess potential sites, based on complex criteria: expected energy potential, topography, access to power grid, road access, land use, proximity to sensitive elements such as settlements, natural protected areas, birds flying corridors, GSM and radar vicinities, natural hazards areas (floods, land-slides, etc.) and many others.


Wind/solar potential analysis

In coordination with reputable expert partners, we run a measurements campaign and long-term data analysis, correction and correlation on wind regime / solar radiation, through standard certified procedures so that the outcome is always a bankable new investment.

Grid access evaluation

While a good energy potential is the basic premise for a successful green energy investment, the local electric grid is usually the main limitation factor; therefore, a grid connection solution study is produced in the early stages of the project, indicating the connection point, transformer capacity and connection route overall parameters.

Preliminary park design

an iteration process will gradually create the optimum layout for a wind / solar park, with a special focus on wake/shadow losses and balance of plant cost efficiency; throughout this stage, the target capacity (given by the grid limitations) will be matched in an optimum configuration with the available land, reducing construction/installation costs and maximizing operation efficiency.

Land securing

A mix of purchase and long-term lease contracts is used to secure the required land, while looking for the most well-located plots and the most reliable owners; oftentimes, this process involves an extensive work on the cadaster maps updates and the landowners support during legal documents completion and registration.

Preliminary financial modelling

Before engaging in the more costly stages of the development, we will build a project’s preliminary feasibility analysis and financial model, which is often leading to further adjustments in terms of chosen technology and park layout.

Topographical and geotechnical surveys

Developed by our local specialized partners using the best existent equipment and methods. The results will be integrated into the later engineering stages.

Basic civil and electrical engineering

In partnership with experienced local engineering teams, we coordinate the setup of the basic electrical design, the roads and foundations design as well as any adjacent infrastructure required by each project (such as floods protection, safety fences or landscape integration).

Environmental impact assessment

Carefully selected from start, each site will be given a thorough environmental assessment, integrating park layout with data on wildlife and natural and human habitats, so that the result is a safe and green project

Grid connection

The power-grid connecting procedures will be followed in a close-relation with the technical office of the local grid-operator (DSO or TSO) and in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations; the mathematical modelling inside the park and the grid connection solution study are used to obtain a Technical Connection Permit and eventually, to sign the Grid Connection Agreement.


Permitting management

By far the longest and most complex stage of the project development, the permitting process is carefully planned and prepared from inception, and implemented through good coordination of all legal and technical procedures, pro-actively reducing time delays and non-compliance risks.

More Info

Industry standards and legal requirements are integrated in all required studies and documentations and we stay in active communication with the issuing authorities. While each project is unique, there are a series of permits appliable to most of them: land planning certificate, urbanism zoning plans, permits ensuring the safe proximity to power lines, gas pipes, telecommunication network, aviation and military sites, archeological sites, etc., environmental permit, public safety permit, fire safety permit, soil quality certification and turning into construction land procedure, and others. The Building Permit (issued by the local or county authorities) and the Energy Producer Establishment Authorization (issued by the National Agency for Energy Regulation) are the end-side steps of a several-months process.

Selection of EPC contractors

We are supporting the investor during the evaluation and selection of suppliers for turn-key delivery or partial provision of works, equipments and materials for plant’s construction / installation. Aimed to obtain most competitive prices, this process is also oftentimes adding further technical adjustments based on solutions recommendations made by tenderers.

Due-diligence support

We support our partners during due-diligence process and negotiations with equity investors and lending banks; a comprehensive online data-room is setup and maintained throughout the project duration, but custom-tailored at the end to meet each party’s expectations.