ROMANIA offers many investment opportunities.

Renewable Energy is one of them.


SOLAR Energy in Romania

On the long term, the solar energy market is expected to experience a consistent growth in Romania. Currently, the total installed capacity of solar PV projects in Romania is of 1380 MW, while according to the Romania´s Energy Strategy for 2019-2030 the similar value forecasted for 2030 will be 3140 MW.

Areas in Romania displaying high potential for solar PV projects are: Oltenia, Muntenia and South of Moldova, where yearly solar radiation is greater than 1,400 kWh/m2, but also Southern part of Transylvania, Banat and Central Moldova areas registering more than 1250 kWh/m2 per year.

WIND Energy in Romania

Romania has a wind-power potential of around 14,000 MW and an energy-generating capacity of 23 terawatt-hours. However, the current installed capacity of wind energy projects is only 3000 MW, while according to the Romania´s Energy Strategy for 2019-2030 the similar value forecasted for 2030 will be 4268 MW.

Best locations in terms of wind farms development are: Dobrogea region, Moldova Region, Eastern Muntenia and the mountain area of Carpathians.

A new region with high potential and wide interest for wind parks, recently, is the offshore area along Black Sea coast.